Đầu tư & Kinh doanh

Price quotation form


A Price Quotation Form is a document provided by a seller or service provider to a potential buyer that outlines the price and terms of a product or service.

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Đảm bảo nội dung
Sẵn sàng sử dụng
Price quotation form
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Hướng dẫn Biểu mẫu

- Mã biểu mẫu: F1-48

- Chuyên mục con: Business

- Tên gọi quy định: Price list

- Businesses and suppliers

- Individual

- When a customer or partner requests a quote for a specific product or service.

- When a supplier wants to introduce a new product or service to the market and needs to announce pricing.

- Use quotations as a basis for transactions or commercial contracts with customers.

- Fill in personal information completely and accurately

- Clearly state the price and quantity of the products

- Send quotations to customers via email, fax or send directly.

- Không quy định
- Không quy định
- Không quy định

- Tư vấn chuyên môn: 1900 6174

- Mail: info@luatthienma.com.vn

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